***but... what I would like to point out... is that the guinevere is perhaps more appropiately used in a small scale model... and does NOT employ an output transformer...****
So then, what is the point where the transition from the unloaded small signal model gets swapped for the power/large signal one? Specifics, and some numeric analysis would be quite useful if you can.
***from a small signal model (where you are not delivering power) then the plate choke can be modeled as being in parallel with the r sub p of the preamp tube...***
What does the transition from small to large signal look like and how is it best described? some detail please. The load is always in parallel with the plate resistance. At what power point does the load start changing the response?
****If the r sub p of the tube is say 2300 ohms... then a plate choke with about 180 henries will have an AC impedance at twenty hertz of approx ten times the magnitude of the r sub p of the tube... and NOT load the tube in any significant manner.***
This point is valid for an ideal inductance. the self resonance puts limits on deliverable impedance. it is not omega*L but is it going to be enough to consider it as that?
***make a long story shorter... plate chokes have been widely used with success... I won't argue the technicals of this with anyone...***
What technicals are those? That people have built amps that sound good and happen to have used plate chokes is not a disputed item. Relax...there is no fight here.
***is it worth a try? You bet. Is it simple to try... mechanically yes... expense wise... no. The CCS will be far less expensive to implement than buying a pair of appropiate plate chokes. But plate chokes are an option and perhaps an attractive SONIC option vis-a-vis a CCS load.***
Interesting things are always worth trying. short story: know as much about what you are experimenting with in order to get meaningful results.