Yeah... As a matter of fact. It was back in 02. A tv series that had the look and feel of all the current series produced for the streaming tv networks had it's debut. Push Nevada. A mild mannered IRS agent is sent to find out about an accounting error of sizable amount from a Nevada casino. The town of Push Nevada has more going on than could ever be imagined by looks. Only 7 episodes were aired before the plug was pulled by ABC. Ben Affleck was one of the creators of the series. It really was a compelling and quirky production that achieved sort of a cult status from it's abrupt demise. The story goes it was too intellectual for the American public at that time. One was compelled to think about what was going on in the plot.
Ben Affleck was my favourite actor and I used to closely follow anything he featured in. It is really sad to hear that he has been in and out of rehab for quite some time but the good thing is that he is willing to be a better person. Most good productions go through this cycle, and you begin to wonder if at times, things often get out of anyone's control.