Well, in theory, the resistor should load the tube more evenly across a wider frequecy range than a choke. And, there seems to me to be a lot of wierd interaction between a choke load and the coupling transformer, (and the all-important parafeed cap) - wierd in that it is very difficult to predict how it will sound - it can sound great. And, of course, the resistor is smaller and cheaper - but it needs more HT to deliver the same swing as a choke loaded circuit.If you need the voltage - use a choke, but I think a resistor gives a smoother, more coherent response (in some set-ups). Or I may just be lazy.
Both my amps, SE and PP, are transformer driven in a parafeed connection with a resistor load instead of a choke. My preamp is resistance loaded parafeed.
All this being said - my parafeed SE amp is choke loaded on the output. I'm too lazy to build that big of an HT supply!
Let me say this, too. I'm not nearly smart enough to have figured out any this stuff on my own. Read Steve Bench's article on parafeed - he's someone who really knows his stuff.