At the risk of exposing a bias I must admitt. I have had many examples of both in either PP or SE going as far back as my Fisher SA 300 which used dual rectifier circuits with two rec. tubes. As much as I would like to say that they are equally good sounding depending on implementation I would be a liar. Even w/o knowing whether a unit is Tube or SS rec., I just seem to find the tube rec's more relaxing on the ears. Why that is ;who knows, I will not even speculate; however that is why I am trying to find as much info as possible on power supply theory and circuits if only to help with some sort of understanding as to why that is so. I will say that as a musician for many years the musicians that I know who enjoy this hobby (and there are surprisingly few; most content with simple systems in their homes), tend to favor tube amps with tube rectifiers. Also I have a suspicion that the less expensive SS rectification may have something to do with the builders wanting to incorporate it in their designs. The original DRD used and was designed with SS rectification so I would expect Ron to follow that topology.