1 Pi's can be sized very small if you need to hide them (less bass but that's ok for surround). The Alpha 8 can work in cabs down to .5 cuft sealed so basically you make the front baffle just big enough to hold the drivers (with the proper driver spacing) and the cab just deep enough to get the back of the magnet off the rear of the cab!
Then toe them in (ie keep front baffle spacing). Or they could be on a swivel so they're against the wall for high WAF and then rotate out a few degrees for optimum movie sound!
If you want to go higher WAF or stealth you can paint the cab the same colour as the wall and use beige speaker cloth and it'll disappear into the wall.
Or if you really wanna get funky you could wall mount the 1 Pi! I'm assuming drywall and studs (double check that the alpha8's magnet will fit) ... just find a space between the studs that's closest to where you want the speaker and then cut a hole for the woof and tweet in the drywall using the 1Pi driver spacing, stuff the holes with some insulation if not there already. Caulk the drivers to the drywall (w screw to hold), drill a hole for speaker wires and then run them around the trim of the window and then down. Make a beige speaker grill for them and ... ahhhh! Beautiful sound but ... no speakers!
PS An ultrathin 1Pi might fit up in the corner of the window behind the curtains! (Just drivers on a baffle so open-baffle and like 4" deep) I had this in my old place and my wife didn't even notice for a week! Now that's high WAF!