Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
It's not like these speakers won't distort - any speaker will when pushed hard enough. But I'm pretty sure it's the amp that is distorting. That JVC amp is only capable of 65 watts RMS and it wouldn't take much to hit that, especially when you play around with EQ. Your speaker's limits are above 65 watts, both thermally and mechanically. The thermal limits are much higher, all the way through the passband. Mechanical limits are much higher too from 60Hz up. Mechanical limits dip to about 80 watts at 60Hz, and then again below the Helmholtz frequency, starting around 35Hz and down. But no limits are exceeded at 65 watts anywhere through the whole band, so I think your amp is probably what's causing distortion at higher volume levels. It's probably clipping.