I think part of the problem is exactly as Norris stated. John sells $30K speakers powered by 10K amps. Do they sound good? Damn right, some of the best horns I've ever heard; but for the average consumer, and even those looking for a "good" system, that is a down payment on a house. Maybe the point of aim should be lower priced, "affordable" mainstream equipment. When I say affordable, I'm thinking in the $10K and less for a whole rig. Not even remotely not do-able for audiophile sound. Of course I can't afford it, and many others can't either, but there reaches a point for the average Joe where the total dollar amount appears out of reach in his/her lifetime. When I mention to my friends that I really like this $1500 turntable and $3000 speakers they think I'm completely insane. Then they hear a setup like that and understand, but still see the money part as insane.