I did some measurements of my room today and there is no way the midrange cabs will fit so its the Three or Four Pi.
Would you email me the plans for both please?
Which ever way I go it will be with the upgraded woofers (AE Three Pi / JBL Four Pi / B&C for whichever) as per your recommendation.
Does the crossover need to be changed for the different woofers or compression drivers?
Do you have the crossovers in stock?
Are the Three and Four pi's rated the same for efficiency?
Which would you consider to be the "better" speaker.
I know we all love our kids the same but we still have favorites
I will take your advice and try to procure the drivers locally.
I asked around here and the JBL's are well known and very popular, the AE's unheard of but I did a quick web search and saw who is behind AE so would have no problem using them.