My Three-Pi sounds perfect in the voice region, I used the orig. box size But, I ported mine a little higher around 45 hz. I am using a solidstate amp so the tone may be different. Box size 20x30x14.. After modeling on Boxplot and other programs I have found that a increase in box size may start to add unwanted Boom. The 1 or 2 Pi's have a sweet and silky treble that is sweet, But the 3-Pi's sound more true to life. I wouldn't say the 3-Pi's sound better but, they are higher fidelity and of course will put out more Dbs with bigger Amps. I differ a little on the crossover values But, this may be due to taste and Vertical position. I have tried different woofers like the kappa Pro 15lfa and they did not sound as good in the Voice range. I like the tower design and will try it with the 3-Pi drivers and crossovers soon. Thanks for the great pix's.