One of my friends is one of the most musically knowledgeable folks I've ever met. He's just over 30 years old and knows stuff from the 1930's and later in the styles he likes (mostly rock and pop but he also knows blues and a little jazz).
He GLADLY attends the music nights the local "music crazies" hold from time to time. He loves listening to the big systems and always brings good music to hear on these systems.
But he has no interest in gear or in having gear.
A few years back when Jon Busch had his small open baffle speakers at the Lone Star Fest I decided to build a pair. It was a really cool project and a chance to see if the open baffle speakers would work in a really crappy (square) room. They do!
Figured when I was done with them my friend could have them. He also has a square room and tends to listen to music in compressed formats. The JB speakers are fairly forgiving in the mids and highs so it seemed like a perfect match for his environment.
But he had no interest in them. Doesn't want a system.
I'm not surprised he doesn't want to go whole hog into fancy schmancy audio but am really flustered that he doesn't want a quick, cheap, great sounding system given how much he enjoys music.