But.... anyone designing line arrays at this current time who fails to follow Jim Griffins ground breaking research parameters, is returning to a time when it was hit or miss. Small far field listening Speakers are pretty forgiving; Line arrays are not forgiving at all, and its easy to produce a set that in comparison to even forgiving 2 way or 3 way far field listening are minimal for all the work involved.
But again, I'm glad you like the result. It took me awhile to digest Jim Griffin's paper, but I followed it to the letter and my system covers all the bases. Although building time did exceed a year of Saturday mornings especially with the design of 32 separate outside air separated 4 lb/sq in fiberglas stuffed 23.5 inch x 6 inch tubes for each midrange speaker, as well as cutting the flanges in 60 Dayton 3/4 inch dome ND20A's so that the comb filter distortion didn't go lower than 16khz, and the c-to-c distance was no more than .80 inch.