There is a lot of merit being put on a few issues. The few issues are important? yes of course but those few are not the issues that make good leaders or countries all the time. The few issues people get all rallied up about do however keep the 123+++ all news networks crankin and bankin. The few rich you speak of may not pay a fair share but there is pretty few of them. What about AMT? in 1969 when it was started it was a lot of money to break into AMT. Now, Never adjusted for inflation it's not as outlandish for couple to have a combined income to get into that bracket.
Everyone who works for the government and schools wants to earn more money. At the very least to keep up with inflation. How do we pay them more and not pay more in taxes? I think taxes are way too high. I think lots of folks who depend on tax dollars for income should be payed more too. just an observation, sorry no answer.