Can't argue with any of that because I think it's all true. The question of budgets remains this; if you have local control then you have huge amount of duplication of service. That requires more taxes and more problems. Plus there is no oversight when budget managers are incompetent or unethical. Want my opinion? Sports should be removed from the schools. Like they do in Europe. There they have afterschool clubs for sports and the parents pay as they go. My son plays Football and Lacrosse so I benefit from the subsidised sports programs that others pay for. But I still know it isn't fair. Discipline; the parents must be brought into the system. There should be bi-monthly parent-administration meetings where disciplinary issues are hammered out. If your kid is screwing up it is brought out at these meetings and you are exposed to the facts. You can rebutt or not but you must address it. Believe it or not a lot of this was brought on by the teachers unions. They did not want to be forced to discipline students. So they abdicatted their position and now; they have a real problem. In the Catholic High Schools if you are disciplined you must get a detention letter signed by both parents; then you are assigned a day and no matter what goes on that day you must appear at the detention room and sit there until 5:30pm. You can't talk read do homework nothing; just sit and be quiet. The kids hate that so much that they behave.