I don't know that having direct input to the state would help matters any. But, I'm not sure how the district is funded to be honest. High-ass taxes for sure. At this point they want to consolidate or close most of the small schools. To give you an exaple of budgets, my mother didn't get a raise for the last 6-7 years she worked there. After 30 odd years of teaching she was making $30k/year. She was the second highest paid teacher there. If it has to do with education the budgets are voted down or trimmed clear down. But if it has to do with athletics, well they'll find a way to make it happen. The football team needed new equipment and an updated field as did the baseball team several years ago. When we still lived there my son was using the same books I had 20 years ago, and they were old then.My mother related a story about a new teacher they got this last year. Fresh out of college, had the typically 2-3 month struggle time getting situated, then figured it out. Kids had warmed up to her, she was pushing the curriculum farther than was expected, but had one problem child in the class. This child was disruptive to the extreme. Sent to the office 3-4 times a week. 2nd grade mind you. Well, this child happened to be one of the local board member's. So guess what happened. They gave her the option of not renewing her contract or her quitting. Because of one kid who couldn't be controlled. By the way, this kid had been homeschooled the the first 3 years because of this very problem. They lost a good, energetic teacher because of someones personal problem. Been that way for that particular board for 40 years.
Problem as I see it is PARENTS should be teaching their kids manners, ethics, etc... It's not the schools job to do it. Maybe to reinforce it, but not initiate it. But many people believe it is the schools job and the schools fault when their children misbehave. As far a religion in the schools--I think it should be kept out as much as possible and where practical. The local group of kids who were Christians when I went to school, met outside before school started to talk and pray. But never in school. The only praying in school was in a huddle in the locker room before a football game, or to yourself before an exam.