Your right. and not many will step up to talk about religion in public. I'm not really for or against any of it as long as everyone gets to do what they each want. Meaning: thou shall not kill; except to run this _____ religion out of the country. thee was no religion in any of my schools either. Fact was you couldn’t talk about any. I'm not happy you cant have a Christmas tree in a school around here, but if it's imposing on other people then I'll have to live up to my own ideals and not impose. The way I understand, this country was founded by folks who left England to practice a different type of religion. They made new rules and now we have the US. Ironic, the country was made what it is as a melting pot. Now we see signs the melting pot is tearing it apart.
So my question is: How do we find a person we can elect as a leader that will do something. I'm not even going to get specific about what to do because I'd be happy to see some one just make a call and do it. Bushy did it by going to Iraq. I didn’t agree with the what or why but I'll give him a credit for making a decision and doing it. I can’t recall anyone coming up with any bold movements on things in this countries day to day though. taxes, religion, immigration, health care, retirement... it's all just one wishy washy compromise after another and I don’t see anyone happy. too much mush. So how do we get a person with some strong ideas and not just another guy who was president of the student council to enter politics?