doug wrote:"...calling for your re-admittance to GB..."
no thanks. I'll make contributions elsewhere when
I am able to. you can make up some bullshit answer about why you can't do what they want? How helpful is that? or for that matter, productive for you?::::
What you fail to grasp is that the owner of the designs I control the legitimate use of the designs. A manufacturer may choose for any number of reasons to not accomadate a particular request... anything from technical considerations, to cost considerations, to marketing reasons... all perfectly well within their rights to control the use and sale of their own property.
Taken at face value... your claim appears to be that if Wavelength Audio would not accomadate a request by you to modify say their DAC.... then they have forfeited their ownership rights to the design if you can get your grubby little hands on it and tear it down... and that you will then have a right to hawk your knock off as a modified
Wavenlength Audio DAC... WRONG. And... ingoring all legalities involved it is highly unethical behaviour.
Does ART want to be home to any disaffected consumer who... because a manufacturer would not alter or modify their product to a consumer's request... then that consumer can come here and do "copy cat" versions and use the name and good will of the company who would not go along with their request to then hawk their wares?
That's clearly absurb... but it is what your saying should be the case.
So if Lundahl (who does not do small volume custom work to my knowledge) will not alter or modify their interstage trans number 1660... then you can come on ART and offer copies of their product with your "mod" thrown in and then use their name and goodwill to promote or hawk your wares to their detriment?
I am hopeful that this will not be a policy that ART adopts or a practice which could be considered appropiate in any of the ART forums.