In my opinion,Liberal talk shows are nothing but negativity and name calling.
Oh I gave this opinion already. Sorry.
Legislating from the bench is when a judge makes up "rights" that are not in any law or constitution. He makes up these rights only to forward his biased political agenda. In other words to overturn laws that he or she doesn't like. In some cases like the New Jersey case I sited. The judges will totally ignore law to create their own laws. Basically they write new laws. This is supposed to be the job of congress and not the judges. Hence the term "legislating from the bench". BTW I don't believe you ever asked my for my interpretation of Legislating from the bench. You said you haven't seen a coherent definition which Ann Coulter certainly provided.
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I don't care for Al Sharpton.
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I like Rush, Hannity and Ann Coulter.
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I am confident the Supreme Court will agree that bans to gay marriage is constitutional since marriage is not a constitutional right.
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You may not like Ann Coulter but she is anything but boring. I find her intelligent and very funny at times.
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I find the liberal talk show hosts as you describe which is "boring/superficial/repetitive". Nothing but hate speech. No facts, no point, just name calling. Air America is a perfect example.
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If Rush was "boring/superficial/repetitive" nobody would listen to him. And please spare me the "liberals are far to intelligent and busy to listen to talk radio" lines. It's just plain silly. If liberals were intelligent they would be conservatives.
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See, liberals can never admit that they lose elections because the people don't agree with their politics. So they make up stuff in their minds, like people being forced to vote for Republicans. Democrats being kept from voting, voting machines being fixed, voter fraud etc. It's beyond the comprehension of the simple minded liberals that people no longer agree with them. Thanks to the internet, the people are starting to get the real facts. Bad news for the Dems.
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Your problem is that the religious people are voting for the Republicans.
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And lastly - Since you have shown yourself to be completely incapable of answering even the simplest of questions, refusing to back up your wild accusations, and basically just spewing tripe, I am done with our debates being discussed below. You do nothing but spit out liberal talking points and when called on to verify or even discuss the points you yourself bring up you stay silent. It is a waste of time discussing anything with you because no amount of reason, facts, or common sense will get you to admit that your wrong. A basic liberal.
Oh I gave this opinion already. Sorry.
Your right though. I really should give my opinion more often. Sigh.