Ann Coulter used the word Prissily in this context. Thus, The New York Times prissily informed its readers: "There is a misconception that so-called activist judges who 'legislate from the bench' are invariably liberal. In fact, conservative judges can be even more eager to overrule decisions made by elected officials."
This definition of prissily comes from the web site below:
Adv. 1. prissily - in a prissy manner; "the new teacher alienates the children by behaving prissily"
Seems like she used it correctly to me. But even so. This has absolutely nothing to do with her intelligence or accuracy of her comments. Instead of arguing that she is wrong with facts. You argue about whether or not she used the world "prissily" correctly. As if to say that anything she says must not be accurate because she used a word that may not have been accurately used in a sentence. Her grammar was off so her facts must be.