Ok, so but then that makes her a political activist who has exploited her fallen son to make her case. Her son wasn't forced into the service, he joined voluntarily. So there is reason to believe he wanted to be there. She has put her own interests, and those she's speaking for, in front of her son and the rest of her family. And making a political issue out of it gives political opponents reason to challenge her.You mentioned the Schiavo case, and I agree with you. That was a personal matter, best left to the families involved. No one else had intimate knowledge of the situation and probably shouldn't have offered their opinions about it. But the political pundits came in and used it for propoganda.
When people bring these kinds of things out into the public, the tone of discussions always gets out of hand. The gossip columns take advantage of the situation to have something to talk about, and political propogandists try to find angles to exploit. The still silent voice is the only one that is reasonable, but it is always completely overwhelmed by the noise.