Sorry, John, but I just don't buy it. The associations she has made aren't hard to follow. It isn't as if she were involved with, or some other group that supports grieving parents. She's chosen to make her associations with those that are politically inclined. So one might observe that her actions aren't those of a grieving mother, but instead are politically motivated.If this were truly a grass roots effort, I think she could have started her own website, done her own thing. But that's not what happened. Liberally motivated journalists took the ball and ran with it, creating and probably everything else that's gotten recent attention in the press.
You're smart enough to see this for what it is. Regardless of your political leanings, the actions and timeframe of this are pretty obvious. I'm sure she grieved the loss of her son, it's not like I think she's heartless. It's just that this is much more than a grieving parent, this is an organized political media event.