Reagan lifted the fairness doctrine back in the 70's. Restore it and things will change. I must address the concept that the media exhibits a liberal bias. The Fox news channel is heavily watched and that network is a paid shill for the neo-con propogandists. There are no news organisations I can name that do the same for what is considered liberal issues. The way the majority of news organisations allow such debacles as the WMD's/the sanctioning of torture by the administration with no account ability/the blatent disregard of the masses of illegal aliens working and living comfortably;.. it goes on and on and they provide little or no coverage of the facts behind these issues. The gravity of the personal freedoms relenquished by the citizenry based on trumped up charges of potential terrorist events by the Patriot Act. When was the last time there was a press conference with the Executive that wasn't heavily scripted and lacking in any controversial questions or any questions for that matter that did not promote the administration programs. I don't remmember this level of submissive syncophantic news coverage in my lifetime.