Don't despair. Apply to the private colleges. Most of them have got more money than they know what to do with. My daughter applied to 6 or 7 schools, and a private in LA coughed up the most cash by far. If they want you, they'll find a way. Especially if your son is muscial. The private colleges are far more giving and supportive of the liberal arts programs than the state universities. All they seem to give grants and scholarships for is athletics. We ended up with vocal music scholarship, debate scholarship, and a good sized grant. I'm sending her there for less than instate would have cost, (excluding my travel costs to visit )
Another reason she got a chunk was the school was looking to diversify it's classes. Small town midwestern girl goes to big LA private school. Apply out of state. Cross your t's and dot your i's. Pay attention to every deadline. The paperwork is much harder than when we went. Do the fafsa before the end of january. I did mine by Jan 10th this year. That also means you have to have your taxes done by then. Get your fafsa pin now. Get your son's pin now. Be ready to jump in as fast as possible. The early bird gets the worm is true here.