Ok look you want it both ways. You tell me not to use the war as an excuse for the deficit but then you use the tax cuts as a reason for it. The war cost billions more than the tiny tax cuts Bush and congress has enacted. So let's keep it real ok?Your argument that declines took place under Kennedy, Johnson and Carter is misleading. Look at the actual numbers of the national debt in my post above. You also have to add in the fact that the economy has also grown greatly. Under Reagan and every president after. So you have to factor in the percentage of the GNP. Things are much more proportional.
I never blamed the huge deficits on the Democrats. Where did I say that? I said that the Democrats solution to problems is to spend more money. Tax more and spend more.
I agree with you that congress is spending too much money. What's the biggest expense the government has? The military. Then entitlements. I'm all for increasing money on the military. It's the one thing the gov. should be spending our money on. So let's cut entitlements! That's fine with me.
So let me clarify because we went off on a different tangent from my original post. I am all for cutting spending except for on the military and security of our country where I think it should increase. I am not happy with the spending going on in congress. And I partly blame Republicans for this too. But the Republicans have but a slim majority in the senate. There hands are pretty much tied. But it's no where near as bad as you make it out to be. As far as Bush's numbers on concerned it will have to wait till a year or two after he's out of office. I don't like dealing with projected numbers. Let's see what really happens. In the mean time, I think the tax cuts are great. Keep them coming! If we take away enough money then maybe the congress will stop spending. Maybe but I doubt it.