"Let's make it simple. If your daughter kept running up huge bills on your credit card. What would you do? If she kept promising to stop spending but time and time again she went over the limit. What would you do? You would take the credit card away. Wouldn't you? Or would you keep giving her more money until you were broke?"This President won't take the credit card away. Not one single veto in 5 years. Not one single spending cut worth it's salt. Only cutting taxes. So he not only didn't take the credit card away, he also took a pay cut.
You are absolutely correct. The President has absolutely nothing to do with the economy. But fortuitous circumstance is a little cicumspect when the declines took place under Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, and Clinton. Increases took place under Nixon, Reagan and both Bushes.
Blaming the huge deficits on the democrats is a specious argument. They have had no power, been a completely helpless minority for 5 years. They've been a whipped puppy since GW took office. The current Congress has passed out money like a drunken sailor, in the form of tax cuts and outright spending. Why have "bridge to nowhere" amendments doubled in the last 5 years? Where are the real conservatives? The guys who want to cut spending, cut government, cut waste? This Congress and Administration has overseen the largest growth in the federal government in history.
They talk the talk and that's all. They're worse than the democrats were in 92. Got to give them credit however, they did in 12 years of control what it took the democrats 40yrs in the house.