I'm reading Broskie's site and on one of his essays he comes up with this opinion. He says he comes across so many guys who seek him out for advice. Then he discovers that the individual in question happens to have upwards of 20k$ invested in equipment. And about 30 albums; mostly greatist hits or collections like hits from the 70's and a few of the audiophile approved test CD's like Dianna Krall or Monheit. He says;" Finding this out is like a doctor doing an autopsy..opening the skull and finding no brain inside."
It's on his site and a damned good essay too.So I propose this; anyone whose audio equipment costs more than twice what his music colection costs has henceforth lost all credibility as a audio spokesperson; and shall renege on offering any opinions involving audio in any way until he has rectified that situation. No excuses; no PHD's or Street cred matters.
Thats Rule NO 1.