Well; first let me say thanks for a thought provoking response. Gee; I am so used to responses full of invective, insults, quotes taken out of context, selective answers and links to propoganda blogs that this is like a breath of fresh air! The administration offered us the "Roadmap To Peace", predicated on fomenting free elections and Democratically defined govrnment. Even in this Palestinian Parlaimentary election we pumped a couple million dollars into the process trying to favor the Fatah candidates. Whether I or any of us agree; and I do, that Israel must have the right to peaceful co-existance and freedom from terrorist attack, we still have an obligation to deal with those democratically elected as we do in Beirut and their elected members of Hezbollah. The administration in proposing this roadmap assured the American people that following this protocol would insure a more stable and less violent environment for peace and prosperity. Based upon the administrations statement of purpose the American military invaded Iraq and attempted to establish a Democratically elected government in Afghanistan. We supported this initiative as Americans and agreed to use our military to enact these changes. This is the result. Radical islamic regimes in Beirut/Egypt/Iraq/Iran/soon Afghanistan/Palestine/and we can't trust Pakistan because they harbor Al Queada operatives. What would I do? Hold the military in abeyance as a threat and buy the oil. Worked for a couple hundred years so far with no American dead.