No one said convicted; we've been talking about the charges and whether they will or will not be brought against him. He was indicted now he goes to trial. Before today we had no way of knowing if the charges would result in a criminal trial. Now he is charged as a criminal and must face justice like all criminals.
Say; what type of block letters are you going to find next? I mean how big can they get; we get the point.
Didn't you bring up Newt Gingrich earlier; the same Newt who served his wife with divorce papers in the hospital while she was in the actual process of undergoing radiation therapy for cancer. You guys are something else man.
But your republican revolution is fizzling; thank god; and your time is nearly done.
The tax bill will be defeated/social security will survive/the Iraqi's are doomed to civil war the minute the 150k American soldiers leave;
times may get better as soon as we get this creep out of office.
And the legacy; 2000 dead and countless wounded in horrible ways for nothing
A breeding ground for terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan
A broken stretch of relationships with what used to be our allies overseas
A terrible deficit weighing the future generations down with fiscal disaster
The symbol of America on the nightly news fumbling and bumbling around in New Orleans like a helpless giant
Religous wacko's running major political campaigns with impunity and dictating to the citizens how they can behave all the while paying no taxes and living off the taxpayers dime.
Countlesss potential terrorists flooding across the southern borders while the feds are busy searching baby carriages and old ladies from Minnesota in airports
The loss of American scientific supremecy to overseas interests due to religously motivated prevention of research
Nice...real nice.