I know its not a good web site and I linked the doc only to get a reference of income vs tax. I dont really have issue as too the wealthy getting a tax break or not. The wealthiest have the means to pay as much or as little as they want. I dont have a lot of problem with that. There should be some reward to hard work, if that's how you got it. I'm not concerned to debate that. The people that are working hard to make ends should get a break as should students. Or dare I say a student’s parent?! The way the tax structures concern me most is the unbalance for the upper middle class. the people who are paying full boat all day long because they managed to hump their selves into the big tax brackets and yet dont have resources fro shelters. No matter what bracket your in, you feel like your paying the whole way. The gov gives out money to poor people who sit at home and only collect. How do we get these people jobs? they must want to work. I cant believe someone would rather sit at home. But, how to find a job that is more worth while than collecting. The wealthy pay taxes, they pay lots of taxes. Even if the wealthy didnt pay their "fair" share. that amount would be more than I earned many many years. So its all us folks stuck in the middle, the way I feel. GWB is just a louse and his tax plans are the least of his problems. but I digress.
1) the top 30% is fine for a starting point.
2)nothing could be proved. there may be a trend, of sorts but I'm sure there are as many scenarios as CPA's
3)a, I would love to kow what kind of shelter.
b, No they never pay because the money moves to a new venue
4)That's a discussion your having with Manual. I dislike the man but not for tax structure. I hope you can see I have no alliance to either Party. I vote for who I like on the issue the person stands for. I like both parties, I dislike both parties. There is more energy absorbed by party politics and spin than oil in the middle east. It's been going on as long as religious wars and I dont think it's a situation that would ever change. I just pick a person I like, doesnt matter where they are from. It's all about what they want to do.
good conversation. It's fun hash out this stuff