The part you don't see is that the top 10% of the population pays tax as a percentage much less than the middle 30% does. You have to examine the data to see that. Thats what I tried to show in the last post. While the top 5% pay 50% of the taxes the IRS takes in; they make almost 40% of the income as a whole. Since the income as a whole is only a small percentage of GNP the reality is they pay much less for much more. So in simple math they pay as a percentage much less per person than all of the members of the middle class does per person. Thats wrong. You look beyond the numbers on your site to see the real amounts involved; because the numbers are mis-leading. Since the bottom 30% pay no taxes because they make no money that leaves the largest part of the burden on the middle 30%. While the site you show is accurate in terms of the actual percentage numbers it does not reflect the amounts of money and percentages of tax each slice of the pie pays.