If you like conspiracy thrillers, The Manchurian Canidate is a pretty good movie. For anyone that might not be familiar with the story, it is an Illuminati / Grassy Knoll kind of thing. It starts out with events in the Gulf War, and a platoon that is later used as pawns for a great conspiracy.
I was impressed with how the people making the movie refrained from painting one political party or another into the picture of "the evil horde." The plot quickly develops into a sinister conspiracy without innuendos that might tie current canidates or parties in the public minds. I think that very few people would be offended watching this movie, even though its very subject is political corruption. Instead of painting a group of people with a broad stroke as the "bad guys" - This movie shows a plot with certain individuals that were responsible. All in all, I thought its presentation was done pretty well.