If you bought the crossovers from me, I would have asked what tweeter you were planning to use and populated the board with the appropriate parts. I'm pretty sure I would have put the right parts on the board, especially if you bought the drivers from me at the same time you bought the boards. I think I remember your order.
For PSD2002:
R1a & R1c - 20Ω
R1b & R1d - 30Ω
R2a, R2b, R2c & R2d - 16Ω
For DE250:
R1a, R1b, R1c & R1d - 30Ω
R2a & R2c - 12Ω
R2b & R2d - 16Ω
To be very honest, in a three π speaker with a DE250, the weak link isn't the tweeter, it's the woofer. Not knocking the Delta 12LF at all, it's a nice sounding woofer, very smooth, and some people prefer it. To me, the Delta 12LF sounds very rich and warm, but it doesn't have the upper midrange smoothness of the JBL 2226. When I take speakers to shows and listen to them non-stop for a whole weekend, I find the 2226 doesn't leave me fatigued at all. When I take a speaker with the Delta 12LF or Omega 15, they sound nice but I notice I'm fatigued after about a full day or two. The combination of a properly-designed shorting ring and a well-damped cone in the JBL 22xx woofers come together to make the midrange and upper mids very smooth. I haven't found any equals yet. Hence, the upgrade path I recommended yesterday.