Hey Wayne; Long time big fan myself. I like the Trick album but my favorite has always been Selling England By The Pound. Especially I Know What I Like(In your wardrobe) and The Cinema Show. I always try to Take A Little Step Back( with father Tireseus). I bought the new remastered version of The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway and there is some fine sounds, the bass is now real musical and the sound is spacious and lots of ambience, definately worth the money. Watcher of the Skies tour back in 1969 I was a little pipsqueak there when Gabriel dressed up in a giant sunflower. Any way I took a trip back then to florida with a bunch of others in a datsun. Lots of goodies but the only two tapes we had were Mountain Climbing and Trick of The Tail. Halfway to Daytona the mountain tape broke and we were left with the Trick tape. We must have played that tape 100 times. It was the background music to the whole trip! Your comment that some of the music is dreamy; well I tell you that is the right word, chemically assisted I may add. What a soundtrack. J.R.