I ran a frequency test in my living room tonight with my Radio Shack meter and the test tones from realtraps.com - the results are as follows:* Audible response below 20Hz if I turn up the wick a bit.
* Real response seems to start at about 25Hz - small peak at 26Hz.
* Up another 10dB by 35Hz.
* Up to "average" levels by 46Hz - 15dB above the 35Hz figure.
* Small peaks at 67Hz, 100Hz, 160Hz and 290Hz.
* Response drops at 85-95Hz, 110-150Hz, 230-270Hz.
* Narrow suckouts (down 8-10dB) at 110Hz and 270Hz.
This is with three bags of R-19 - two under the piano and another hiding under a coffee table.
I'm a bit surprised there's not more bass in the 25-45Hz range - is this the result of inadequate corners, perhaps?
I can also hear a certain amount of vibration - not sure of every cause, but I could identify a shelf and a table and some CDs as a start. Also the floor vibrates, and I wonder if I should isolate the speakers from the floor?