I listen to a fairly broad range of music, although primarily rock, blues, and large scale classical. The Seven Pi doesn't seem to favor one genre over another. They can definitely rock the house, but they also sound convincing on large scale classical and vocal recordings. I don't know what you have for speakers today, but just for reference the Seven Pi replaced a 6k pair of Von Schweikert VR-4 Gen III SEs in my system. While the VR-4s go lower and have a more focused soundstage, the Sevens are much more effortless at unraveling complex music and portraying more realistic dynamics, impact, and scale. These are things that make listening engaging for me. In other words they pass the foot tapping test.I bit the bullet and went for the all JBL (Professional) setup. I have no way of knowing how close the Audiophile series is, or the Stage series for that matter. Those options could have saved significant money, and I debated which way to go for a long time, but ultimately decided I didn't want to second guess down the road. If your budget allows I would also upgrade the crossovers. The difference imo is pretty dramatic.