Hello Wayne Thank you for your time. You eased my tension concerning the replacement parts. These really sound pretty good. However, modeled after the origonals, they only have a 4 ohm load. Running mostly tube gear, I need my components to deliver closer to 8. However, I do have an out standing solid state with extensive cap upgrades. I could utilize to drive the 12's and use tubes to drive high range mids and tweeters. I have material I have gathered from your forum concerning this, but have not studied. Personally, I prefere simplicity. I look for your advice on this matter I am interested in your plans for the tower 2's. also in one room the footprint could be a problem. Could I narrow the cab but keep the speaker volume the same by raising the height?
In my living area, to have rear speakers, the concession my wife and I have come up with is wall speakers. .....are you laughing? Well do you have suggestions using these 2Pi components and Xover design to best accomodate. Maybe building a 2Pi monitor mounting the whole thing in the attic (I have a cathedral ceiling which faces out not down). Thank you again, Brad