I would setup along the short wall. I don't think seven π's all the way around would overpower the room, but it may be worthwhile to analyze the room modes. You'll have enough speakers that you can setup for best sound averaging.The good thing about having speakers in corners is that you know the sound eminates from the corner apex and is limited to the 90º wall angle, consistently for each speaker. But with four speakers in a relatively small room, it might be good to shift the bass bins forward or inward a bit from the rear wall, to average the sound field and possibly fill in a null that might have otherwise formed. So take a minute to look at the references below, and you may want to spend some time and do an analysis of your room. That way you'll know if you want four identical seven π speakers in each corner, or if you'll want to move bass bin of the rear pair forward or something.
Loudspeakers and Rooms - Working Together
Whitepaper: Loudspeakers and Rooms for Multichannel Audio Reproduction, Part 1
Whitepaper: Loudspeakers and Rooms for Multichannel Audio Reproduction, Part 2
Whitepaper: Loudspeakers and Rooms for Multichannel Audio Reproduction, Part 3
Whitepaper: The Acoustical Design of Home Theaters
Whitepaper: Audio - Science in the Service of Art
Whitepaper: How Many Channels Do We Need To Believe That We Are "There"?