Hi Trev.In regards to brightness, the brightness is because the high frequency speaker is too strong in regards to the midrange and or woofer. When sound is a little bright Wayne suggests adding "compensation" on the crossover. This is done by soldering resistors to the crossover portion feeding the high frequency driver which lowers the power going to the high frequency component only if I've got it right. You can get a collection for less than 20 bucks, use a soldering iron, and play until the sound is to your liking.
With the do it yourself crowd here they live to tweak. You can spend hundreds/ thousands on cables or 20 bucks on resistors. Don't take it personally when you hear things like "sheesh". It's a reaction to what is often considered a sleazier part of the audio business, not you personally (unless Adam knows you from somewhere?).
I've never had a Crown amp but from the comments I've seen on the boards they're well respected. With any luck you won't have brightness anyways.
Best wishes for the new year.