Check out what FSAudio is doing! They're offering the amp below on a trial basis to anyone who asks. Then, after the trial period, they've arranged a group purchase at reduced prices for ART members. Click the link below for more details from FSAudio.I'm just knocked out by this amp's looks; If it sounds as good as it looks, I'll have a new favorite here. I'm really excited about the possibilities, and I'm itching to hear this little amp with a pair of the new eight π loudspeakers.
Stoekit Junior
Integrated stereo amplifier
9 watts per channel
Two ECL82 tubes per channel.
Two RCA inputs with input selector switch on the front.
Volume control.
Tube complement: 4 x ECL82.
Dim (WxDxH): 20cm x 27cm x 13cm (7 7/8" x 10 5/8" x 5 1/8")
Deep blue case with silver front and black transformer hoods.I'm really glad FSAudio became an ART sponsor.