Astro---Altec crossed over the 802-902 at 1200 late in the game for a couple of reasons. There were A7 models meant for musicians that crossed at 1200 in the interest of better power handling. But with the Model 19, the last Altec 15" home 2-way, the crossover was at 1200 to match directivity at the crossover point between the woofer and the 811 horn used. This was forward thinking at the time.
IME Altec 1" drivers work very well when used down to 500hz if on proper horns. They even work well when crossed at 500 1st order. When I used 1" JBL drivers at 500 1st order they clacked but Altecs worked very well. This was for hi-fi use, wouldn't try using them that way for pro-sound. I used 802s, 806s and 908s with Radian diaphragms like this, all sounded good.