I will begin working today on the second speaker in my (sons) 2Pi Towers. I have not even listened to a complete pair yet and I am already impressed. About 4 days afrer finishing the speaker and giving it some play time my son (we built them for his room) told me that they seem to sound better. I did not really know if this 10" Eminence driver had a break-in time, I suspected it may as many speakers do. I was suprised that he would pick-up on it as I said nothing to him about break-in(he is 17 years old) I can't agree with you more about the bang for buck quality of this 2 Pi. I agree with you also on the bass, In fact the Tower is probably even more impressive in that area. I agree with Garland about the lack of an XO being a big factor in the success of this speaker. After I decided I would not need a sub with these speakers... I changed the the setting on my HT pre-amp to "large" to send a full range signal to the Towers, what I noticed was without the the XO in the pre-amp inhibiting the sound the towers were much better (Denon AVD-2000 Dolby Digital Processor+ driven with a HK 80wpc amp). When driven with my Sansui 9090db things really come alive (but a bit bright and a lot of bass, so the mids seemed a bit lacking with the Sansui).
I also agree with Garland that the Piezo is probably the weakest part of this system (2Pi). I will be building a pair of Theater 4's in the future, I have access to JBL parts at a very good price so I wish I could put JBL drivers in the 4's but I want them to be tube friendly so I will probably stick with the stock plans. I have found the Eminence drivers to be sufficient to do the job.
I find it interesting that the Studio Series had recieved much attention here of late. Keep posting these comparisons. When mine are complete I be be doing some A/B comparisions of my own and sharing them here (pics too).
Have fun!