Wayne more snake oil for ya, from live audio board. Heres the web site http://www.jadeaudio.com/facts.htmlWhen burning-in your new cables or auditioning new cables for your system, the following tips will maximize cable system performance and provide for the absolute shortest burn in period.
Step One- The first 48 hours of play should be continuous- preferably with a cable burn-in disk. If you do not have a burn-in disk or one is not available, try music of a dynamic and ambient nature. Step Two- After 48 hours of uninterrupted play on a burn-in disk, switch to music(provided you were using a burn-in disk) for an additional 24 hours of uninterrupted play. If you were not using a burn-in disk, continue step one for an additional 48+ hours. Step Three- After 72 hours of uninterrupted play begin the listening process. You should know after 72 hours of burn-in whether or not a given cable design is going to be right for your system. When, after 72 hours, a cable seems "close," you may wish to just give it more time. If a cable does not perform to expectation, try a different cable from the same family or the same model from a different family.