Measurements of the prototype are here:They sound very nice to me. One thing that arrays do very well is to have uniform response in the midbass and midrange in a variety of listening environments. The number of drivers smooths out irregularities caused by reflections. For example, floor bounce is eliminated because the distances between drivers and the floor is so varied. Where one driver's reflection creates a null, another fills in the void. Tends to smooth the response. You can't do this with a single driver speaker on a stand. If it's at ear level, then the mids are good but the midbass has a notch somewhere because of floor bounce. Put the mini-monitor on the floor and the midbass notch goes away but midrange isn't at the right height. Fred's ART arrays solve this by having the tweeter at the right ear level height and a woofer array that spreads out the midbass sound sources, making the distances varied between each one.