Of all the posts I have stored away on my hard drive, that is one of the most encouraging and helpful! Very good advice that I will take to heart. Thankyou for your kind offer to help - that would be great, if I were a little closer. I am currently on the other side of the world, in the great brown land (and getting browner) of Australia.I have a few layouts I can study and Morgan Jones gives some decent guidance; I also have a lot of info regarding hum reduction. I will probably build monoblocks in large cases, not so much for sonic reasons but for easier / more optimal of layout.
Thanx for the tip of laying down the AC first ; I will buy a used variac before powering up - they are not too expensive, considering the cost of an amp build.
I thought I had found someone to work with a few weeks ago - an old-timer with a lot of valve gear in his repair shop. I asked, but he suggested I just order a Chinese amp and be done...
Sincere thanx