Dallas Audio ClubThe Dallas Audio Club was manned by Fred Thompson and his lovely and charming wife Linda. As most of you know, Fred is one of the true DIY afficionados of audio. He's a little like Nick Nolte in Lorenzo's Oil, always polite and gracious while upstaging all the scientists and engineers with his talent.
Fred and Linda Thompson
Fred has made literally dozens of loudspeakers over the years, all sounding as good as the top of the line models, and all looking like premium upscale furniture. And it doesn't stop there, he also has tried just about every audio equipment peripheral or device out there, keeping those that are best, but trading them in every so often for the next thing to try. Fred probably has more hands-on experience in audio equipment than any other enthusiast I know.
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The system in the Dallas Audio Club room included an Onix XCD-88 CD player, Lite Audio DAC 60, Audio Experience Linestage, Heathkit 5881 amp modded by Jim Rivers and a pair of speakers designed and built by Fred Thompson.
FMTunerInfo.com's "3moons" Jim Rivers