Fair Enough. I just feel all the cards should be on the table when safety is an issue. High Voltages are not the problem it is the failure of SS components under stress that is the issue. Tubes as I understand it are pretty rugged and can handle abuse or repeated stress but I'm told that transistors are not that forgiving. I want to add that I only bring this issue up with you because you are willing to discuss it; this in no way is a criticism or knock on your excellent design. Using these CCS in Guinevere and now in a Tube amp results in a total of four CCS loads in use whenever I turn on my system. Thats a lot of solid state loads operating there.
If you read John Broskies analysis of the Curry Cascode triode amp with CCS and current mirror loads he says regarding the use of SS components stated at the end of the article;
"You must choose either safety or sound."