For the E-Linear front end, I am exploring the effect of mu g1-g2. Right now Merlin has a faux pentode( the cascode ) built with a mu of 39. I think a pair of 6AQ5 with 25% of this mu might be an interesting experiment.The NFB/PFB split between the two phases is determined by this mu. I am going to determine if it should be minimum ( as in the 6AV5 with its 2A3-ish mu of 3.9 ) or maximum like the EF184's 60 mu.
I could build a 2A3 pentode, or try 12B4's for mu of 6.5, or go to the small power pentodes for mu of ~10. I also wonder if it makes a difference to go use for the E-Linear eciruit, or to use with a more traditional circuit as in Galahad.
I put a proper power TX in my stereo Merlin, and now it can run 100 mA per final and still have a lot of headroom.