Azzolina AudioAzzolina Audio's Charlie Azzolina-Michlin
Azzolina Audio makes some very fine products, a whole line, in fact. The Basso basshorn is based on the Klipsch LaScala design, with the rear chamber ported for greater extension. The Alto mid/high horn is a large format horn using a Lowther driver and Le Cleac'h expansion. But Charlie didn't stop there, in fact, he specializes in triode amps, introducing the Soprano line stage, Baritone triode push-pull main amp and Tenor USB DAC. Now are you ready for this? Azzolina Audio brought these to market in an amazing seven months! But don't take that to mean Charlie is new to this, no sir. Charlie has been building and designing tube amps and audio gear for years so this was a natural extension of his audio passions. Good work, Charlie!
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