This offer to partake in the group purchase is not an ad which will benefit me in any way. My relationship with Heyboer is that of customer. They wind, I buy. The price mentioned is the price quoted. That I may be able to twist their arm with some convincing pleading to reduce the price a few dollars more is no indication of a more intertwined relationship than I claimed.Full disclosure has been provided and in this case specified and afirmed in detail. I will say it again, this purchase is not going to benefit me anymore than it would further my relationship with MQ were he to jump in and offer to be the supplier.
I could show you the email exchanges *AFTER* recieving permission to publish or disclose, but why should one believe anything published with that cut and paste BS? I remind you that *YOU* did not recieve my permission to publish my private correspondence with you.
I can see how this relationship and published price would put you at a disadvantage, but it is not an unfair one. I even solicited a quote from you directly to support this project. You declined to modify for an unspecified reason( though you did *CLAIM* to have specified a reason....).