The schematic will be for what is effectively the HY69 amp. Minor changes to account for g3 being attached to the filament in the 1624 and to its own pin in the HY69. I'll be drawing monoblocks, as mine is a stereo chassis( not again I can tell you that! ).I am trying to decide between tertiary winding for cathode fedback to be run with a pentode connected final, or U-L in the traditional fashion. I also don't quite know where the u-L point exists for the 813, that is at what percentage should the tap go. A tertiary winding that is ~30% of the anode winding takes up a lot of room. I don't think of any over ~15%, like Acro's 350 and Dynaco's A441. I have a pair of 441's and they need to be better. they are acceptable, but that's about *IT*. I need a stellar one...
I think I will go with a cathode tertiary winding. It will net me ~80W without getting to nutsy with dissipation and I can put g2 right where I want to. Fortunately I have a reasonable design OPTx for both apps. I just need to decide.
On the schematic distribution. I am going to draw them tomorrow and the next day. Such things need a good proofing I can say with confiddence. Also notes on limitations, and variations. more importantly Limits are a personal requirement. Then off to the scanner and ~4 pages at ~1 meg each ought to be fine resolution.