I think you're right about those RS pots. I have all the noise ghosts gone, except when I touch the voulme pot. I expect this since it is not grounded, but I can put slight sideways pressure on the volume pot's shaft and get a considerable change in noise level. I really think I'm going with the dual 12B4 (?) rectifiers and a stepped attenuator. No need screwing around at this point. I'll try and get another set on 2540s out to you this week. No need to pay. Your help has been more than enough. Thank you.
What is a DRD?
I'm really nervous about the amps. This preamp was my first serious build using only a schematic. I have more confidence in my abilities, but there is still a lifetime of techniques to learn. I can tell you one thing, I will NEVER build from a kit again. The high I got when Guinevere came to life was worth all the troubles.....Colin